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High School Associate Principal

  • Indianapolis, Indiana (map)

High School Associate Principal

North Central High School


The Metropolitan School District of Washington Township (MSDWT) is located in the northern section of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Marion County. It is a dynamic community with broad diversity in cultures,  religions, ethnic groups, races, and socioeconomic levels. The district has been an educational leader in  Indiana for the last 65 years and offers a comprehensive educational curriculum with special activities and programs geared to provide enrichment, exploration, and instructional support for students. It also provides excellent opportunities for students to participate in outstanding performing arts, fine arts,  academic teams, publications, athletics, and other student activities. 


MSDWT provides quality education in award-winning schools built on a foundation of outstanding educators, administrators, school board members, and supportive parents. Our mission is to develop lifelong learners and globally-minded citizens by fostering the academic, creative, and social skills needed to achieve excellence in a multicultural environment. Our vision is to be equitable, affirming, and responsive to the needs of our students through the Elevate Instructional Framework. 

Job Summary and Responsibilities: 

The North Central High School Associate Principal serves as an instructional leader of North Central  High School and is highly focused on curriculum, instruction, and student achievement. They manage and supervise their assigned departments to ensure that students are effectively instructed and supports are in place to meet the needs of all students. They work closely with the High School Principal to lead and assist school staff and optimize communication between school management and teachers, parents, and other districts and schools. They guide instructional practices, facilitate meetings, develop and review curriculum programs, observe staff, and assume shared responsibility with the Principal for all areas of academic focus, teacher recruitment, and teacher retention. 

Required Competencies:  

Occupational Competencies 

Education management support: Support the management of an educational institution by directly assisting in the managerial duties or by providing information and guidance from your area of expertise to simplify the managerial tasks. 

Curriculum standards: Experience with the governmental policies concerning educational curricula and the approved curricula from specific educational institutions. 

Assessment processes: Familiarity with various evaluation techniques, theories, and tools applicable in the assessment of students, participants in a program, and employees. Different assessment strategies such as initial, formative, summative, and self-assessment are used for varying purposes. Knowledge of professional learning communities and their role in using assessments to inform instruction. 

Understanding of Equity: Experience working directly with people from diverse racial, ethnic,  and socioeconomic backgrounds as well as the understanding of the need for equitable practices in all classrooms and spaces. 

Project management: Knowledge of understanding project management and the activities which comprise this area. Know the variables implied in project management such as time, resources,  requirements, deadlines, and responding to unexpected events. 

Learning technologies: Experience with current technologies and channels, and how to incorporate them to enhance learning. 

Curriculum objectives: Familiarity with the goals identified in curricula and defined learning outcomes. 

Foundational Competencies  

Active Listening: Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times. 

Speaking: Talking to others to convey information effectively. 

Critical Thinking: Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems. 

Learning Strategies: Selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things. 

Reading Comprehension: Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work-related documents. 

Social Perceptiveness: Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do. 

Preferred Competencies:  

Occupational Competencies 

Adolescent socialization behavior: The social dynamics through which young adults live amongst each other, expressing their likes and dislikes and the rules of communication between generations. 

Learning difficulties: The learning disorders some students face in an academic context,  especially Specific Learning Difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and concentration deficit disorders. 

Foundational Competencies  

Judgment and Decision Making: Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one. 

Writing: Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience. 

● Complex Problem Solving: Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions. 

Coordination: Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.

Example Responsibilities: 

  • Teaching & Learning, Curriculum &  Instruction (Elevate, PLCs, etc.)

  • Oversight of High Ability/Honors/AP/Dual  Credit/IB 

  • Equitable Achievement & Culturally  Responsive Teaching (PD, Implementation,  Supports, Resources)

  • Program Evaluation Review

  • Instructionally-Focused Professional  Development 

  • Create ENL Support Services Structure with  Dr. Sever and ensure that the structure and  strategies are implemented with fidelity

  • Achievement Data Analysis 

  • Classified Staff Focused on Instructional  Support

  • Oversee and Evaluate Instructional Coaches 

  • Remediation & Summer School/Extended  Learning

  • Instructionally-Focused ProfessiTrack and  monitor elevate classroom walkthroughs for  department chairs, deans, and assistant  principals and utilize the data to make  decisions about teaching and learning  Development 

  • Liaison with Secondary Curriculum Coordinator 

  • School Improvement Plan & QAR/Review  (Priority Area: Equitable Achievement)

  • Teacher Recruitment & Retention Strategies

  • MTSS (Academic Support Only) 

  • Public Relations (Academic)

  • Teacher Evaluation Process (main content  areas)

  • Oversight of school in principal’s absence

  • Achievement Data Analysis 

  • Participate in weekly PLC meetings

  • Develop Interview Protocols and establish a  tighter interview process across departments

  • Conduct at least 90 strategic informal  observations of teachers each year

  • Oversee student teachers and establish a  process by which each student-teacher is  observed by department chairs and an  administrator during the time they are in  charge of the classroom

  • Conduct at least 10 elevate walkthroughs each  week

  • New Teacher Academy/Supports 

  • College, Career, Life  Readiness/Employability Skills curriculum  integration


SALARY: $124,000 - $127,000 and Comprehensive Benefits

Oversees the Following Departments: Counseling, Math, English, Science, Social Studies, ENL, World  Language, Technology/Media Center  

Direct Supervisor and Evaluator: Department Chairs: English, Math, Social Studies, Science, World  Language, Media Center/MTSS Coach, 3 Instructional Coaches (2 math and 1 ELA), and SEL Coach 

Required Certifications:  

● Indiana Building Level Administrator License

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Middle School Principal

June 9

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