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Education Leadership Faculty Job Posting

Drake University, School of Education

Education Leadership Faculty Job Posting

Drake University’s School of Education consists of dedicated, high-energy educators of future educators. We are in search of new tenure-track faculty member to join us in shaping the future of education.  The Drake University School of Education invites applications for a 9-month, tenure track assistant professor position in the area of Educational Leadership beginning Fall 2023.

Responsibilities will include directing the Educational Leadership (EDL) clinical mentor program, teaching courses in the MSE, EdS, and EdD educational leadership programs, and advising graduate students and doctoral dissertations. ABD applicants may apply, but a confirmed PhD or EdD is required by start date. Preference will be given to candidates with at least three years of school/district administrative experience.

Drake University, a four-year private, not-for-profit institution dedicated to excellence in teaching and learning. We seek faculty who will truly care about the student experience and take pride in their work. Our dedication is demonstrated through ongoing support for faculty in developing their teaching craft through access to numerous, resourced professional development opportunities.

The successful candidate will:

  1. Exhibit essential dispositions and ownership of the SOE mission of “We prepare, support, and inspire our students to lead and serve in a constantly changing world.

  2. Exhibit essential dispositions and ownership of the SOE vision of “Together we transform lives and strengthen communities.

  3. Exhibit essential dispositions and ownership of the SOE Guiding Principles, including:

a.     Social Justice - We take the stance that everyone deserves equitable social, political, and economic rights and opportunities and collectively struggle to imagine and create a better world for all.

b.     Innovation and Improvement - We take intelligent risks to create breakthrough improvement in results while strengthening core processes, practices, and outcomes in an iterative, systematic effort.

c.      Reflective Practice - We actively seek to understand the connection among one's actions and experiences to self and practice to gain new knowledge and insights.

d.     Collaboration - We collegially work together in establishing shared goals and completing action steps in ways that could not be accomplished alone.

e.      Care for Self and Others - We promote and engage in the practice of supporting the physical and psychological health of ourselves and others.

  1. Exhibit effective communications skills

  2. Exhibit technology skills including the ability to teach online.

Drake University seeks to recruit and support a broadly diverse community of faculty and staff. We value diversity and equity, and we are committed to creating a thriving community that values inclusivity and belonging. To learn more about Drake University's commitment and support of diversity and inclusion, please visit

The Des Moines area has all kinds of career opportunities—with new jobs coming up all the time. For someone just relocating to the area, it may be worth applying for positions that may seem like a stretch or even some that lie just outside the individual’s comfort area.

The Greater Des Moines metro area is the fastest-growing metro in the Midwest. It hosts many of the conveniences of a small town, but with the range of options of a larger city. If you are unfamiliar with Des Moines, we would love to tell you more about our beautiful city.

What You’ll Need to Apply

Those with a Ph.D., Ed.D. or ABD are welcomed to apply. Applicants will be asked to submit a cover letter, c.v., the names of three references, and a Statement of Philosophy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion via the jobs page found at:

Drake University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We seek candidates with a demonstrated commitment to incorporating diverse perspectives into teaching and scholarship. We resolutely reject discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, disability, sex, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status or any characteristic protected by law in its educational programs and activities, admissions, or employment.

Have Questions?

Inquiries about the position or department may be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Trent Grundmeyer at or by phone at (515) 205-9987.

Questions about the application process, working at Drake, support for dual career partnerships, reasonable accommodations, benefits, or additional information about the university or Des Moines, Iowa may be directed to Drake Human Resources at

To be assured of full consideration, all application materials should be received by Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022. The position will remain open until filled.

September 15


September 20
